Items for the agenda and any nominations for Officers and Committee should be emailed to and must be received no later than the 10th June 2024.
Only fully paid up members may attend the AGM so please ensure that you have renewed your membership for 2024. To check the status of your membership, please email

If you are a member and wish to attend the AGM, please send an email to and a link will be sent to you prior to the meeting.


Our Dogs Breed Notes - August 2020

Although not unexpected it was still disappointing to hear that Discover Dogs at the Excel in October had been cancelled.  I know all of those that volunteer for the breed stand look forward to Discover Dogs, meeting the public and talking Russian Toys, so we hope you will all volunteer for Crufts next year!  We at least have something to look forward to as both Blackpool and Bournemouth Championship Shows have rescheduled and are forging ahead with plans for their shows. These will of course be dependant on Government guidelines for such events and the status of COVID-19 at that time. The new date for Bournemouth is 3rd, 4th & 5th October and you can enter online via Higham Press. The new date for Blackpool is 25th, 26th & 27th September and they will open entries on 10th August via Fosse Data. SKC have rescheduled to 27th, 28th & 29th November at the Royal Highland Showground and a schedule will be available in due course. AV Import Toy at Blackpool will be judged by Mervyn Evans (Citegan) and at Bournemouth Pam Blay (Stablaheim).  I know we are all champing at the bit to get to a show after all these months, so fingers crossed that life continues to slowly return to some form of normality and that in time these and other shows will be able to take place.

Continuing with the theme of interviews world renowned breeders and exhibitors of the Russian Toy this week I am delighted to share our interview with Ekaterina Kirilova of Grand Tandem.

Q1. How long have you been in the breed?
My first dog came to me in August 2000, so I am in the breed around 20 years

Q2. How did you choose your Kennel name?
My friends helped with that name, at that time I had two different breeds so that is how Tandem came about.

Q3. From whom did you purchase your first Russian Toy from and name of dog?
My first dogs I got from very famous Kennel Iz Chistogo Istoka, breeder Irina Kopilova. My oldest dog Iskusitel Iz Chistogo Istoka played huge role in the establishment of my kennel and breed development.

Q4. What is your proudest moment in the show ring?
Probably my strongest emotions from the ring, when my dog for the first time became BOB of the large National Dog Show in the history of RT’s (242 dogs entered)

Q5. How many Champions have you bred?
At the moment in our Kennel I have 12 Junior World Champions and World Champions.
11 Junior European Champions and European Champions, CH of Russian, but in total Grand Tandem have about 100 dogs with Champion titles

Q6. If you had to choose three Russian Toys (past or present) that you have really admired who would they be?
In the first place Sher Oriel Pocheluichik then Grand Tandem Ja Vasha Naveki WCh, Europe Ch, BOB of National Dog Show and Grand Tandem Led I Plamen 2 x WCh, International Ch.

My grateful thanks to Ekaterina for giving us this interview and I also thank Iveta Holyland who has been a great help with the translation of interviews these past weeks.


Our Dogs Breed Notes - July 2020

The Breed Club Online Fun Show was a great success with 31 dogs making 90 entries. Jacqui Wilson with the help of her grandson Leon judged the 10 classes and then the 10 class winners were put forward to members of the Breed Club Facebook page who voted for their favourite, this added to the fun and the suspense!! A very well deserved Best In Show was awarded to Imp owned by Nikki Collins with a fantastic photo of Imp in full flight from the Best Action Shot category.  Res BIS went to Luka owned by Julie Holland from the Water Baby category with a super photo of Luka in Henley Park Lake.  All the photos entered portrayed the wonderful character of the Russian Toy, they are such photogenic little dogs. Thanks to everyone that took part and I am delighted to say we raised £107 towards the Breed Rescue Fund.

This week in Our Dogs we have the Russian Toy Breed Feature.  I hope you all enjoy reading more about the breed, its history, and a glimpse into living with a Russian Toy.  Thank you to everyone that has helped with photos and articles, with a special thank you to Anya Dugina, Elena Kryukova, the National Club of Breed Russkiy Toy and FCI Judge Dmity Prozorov.


I hope you all enjoyed the Russian Toy Breed Feature the other week and that it provided you with a deeper insight and understanding of the breed.  

This week we continue with interviews from world renowned breeders and exhibitors of the Russian Toy. Our grateful thanks go to Natalia Chistjakova (Stempfort) for giving her time to answer the following questions: -

Q1. How long have you been in the breed?
My kennel was registered in 1999, 3 years after the foundation of the RKF. The first Russian Toy came to me in 2000. Since then, all these years, the Russian Toy firmly entered my life for a long time.
Q2. How did you choose your Kennel name?
Before the Russian Toys (in those days they were called Toy Terriers), I had German Shepherds and Airedale. The name of the nursery should have been consonant with these breeds. So the name of the nursery "STEMPFORT" was born.
Q3. From whom did you purchase your first Russian Toy from?
My first little girl was called Chernichka. She came to me in 2000. She came from the famous dog Liliput from the Army of Love, who laid a strong and successful line in St. Petersburg. Liliput's descendants are found in the pedigrees of many dogs in the breed. The most successful descendant of Chernichka lives in Moscow; this is the famous Stempfort United Color Best (owned by Anna Snopova).
Q4. What is your proudest moment in the show ring?
Perhaps the most memorable for me will be the victory at the National Exhibition in Moscow in 2006 with my junior dog Stempfort Empress. That exhibition was judged by a very authoritative, strict judge Evgeny Lvovich Erusalimsky. 17 juniors were recorded in the class. In total, the exhibition was 101 Long-haired Russian Toy.
Q5. How many Champions have you bred?
There are several dogs in my house. Most of them are pensioners. The oldest little girl is now 15 years old. All pensioners live to a very old age with me. I understand that every dog needs to be given daily attention, care, a piece of love. Therefore, the number of dogs is limited and it is not large enough. Perhaps that’s why each mating is a seriously thought out and calculated step for me. I try to work for the result, not the quantity. Therefore, no more than 2-3 litters per year are born in my house. I select the owners of my puppies very meticulously, not rushing. I am not a supporter of selling puppies to large kennels. It is important for me that puppies have been happy all their lives.
Many owners of my puppies are not experienced, sometimes for the first time deciding to get a pedigree dog and not planning any shows. Together with them we go through the whole serious and difficult school of raising a puppy, I motivate them to take serious lessons and prepare the dog for the show ring, and together we achieve high results in the largest world rings. Almost all dogs of the kennel, World and European Champions, were raised and trained by not experienced owners in the past.
I believe that the concept of "Breeder" includes not only work on breeding pedigree, healthy animals. The breeder is primarily a specialist who learns himself and transfers his knowledge and skills to the owners of his puppies. This is a lot of work and a lot of work. But, without it - not to be stable results in the nursery. That is why my kennel unites graduates and their owners under their roof. We support and enjoy each other's successes, even the smallest. Many owners of graduates remain in the kennel forever, alternating exhibition activities with breeding.
Q6. Which Russian Toys (past or present) have you most admired ?
This is a provocative question. I would not want to explicitly answer it with a list of dog names. The ideal RT has not yet been born. This is the answer to the question of beauty and exterior.

If we consider this question from the point of view of a breeder who works with lines and breeds, then the answer is: I admire the lines that gave impetus to the modern livestock. At one time, such lines were laid by a couple: Palochka viruchochka Iz Grafskoi and Kotik Obormotik Iz Grafskoi.

This pair is often found in descendants of the most successful dogs in the breed. Not only that, the descendants of this couple are not only the winners of the largest exhibitions, but also are the founders of their lines and quite successfully.

Each era is unique. The breed has changed a lot over the last 20 years. See for yourself. Since 1960, in less than 60 years, the breed standard has changed 9 times! In no other breed will you encounter such a frequent change in standard! Moreover, changes in the standard occurred dramatically. Take, for example, the fact that the breed until 2006 was assigned to the 3rd group FCI, a group of terriers. And in the name of the breed until 2006, the word "terrier" was always present. Only in 2006 the breed was transferred to the 9th group, a group of decorative dogs.

What is this talking about? Terriers (breeds in the Group 3) differ from Companion (Group 9) in the main statues: the structure of the front, the exit of the neck, the angles of the shoulder-blade joint, and the position of the croup. And that means - the appearance of the dog is changing.
This is a bit of a digression - a digression into history.

If we compare the dogs of past years and now - I note that they began to pay a lot of attention to the health of dogs. And this is important. Here is one example: until recently, in the 90s there were a huge number of dogs with luxating patella in the ring. Now - we hardly see such dogs. We practically will not meet in the rings cowardly, aggressive, or hysterical Russian toy. And this is a big job, and the merit of the breeders of the Russian Toy breed.

The next breed notes will contain interviews from Ekaterina Kirilova (Grand Tandem) and Alexandra Rogovich (Iz Beloi Rusi).

Our Dogs Breed Notes - June 2020

Congratulations to Karen Leach and Kinas Budda Edison at Moyadach (Imp) who took part in the   Social Media Dog Show and won Best Junior Toy Group from a very strong entry.  There are now quite a few online shows available to enter so I hope to hear of some more results from you all soon.

 The Russian Toy Club UK have organised an online Fun Show which is open to all Russian Toys and further details can be found on the club Facebook page.  Entries close on Saturday 13th June and judging will take place on Sunday 14th June. With 10 classes to choose from and rosettes for 1st to 3rd place there is plenty of opportunity for everyone to enter a class or two and win a rosette!

 Over the next few weeks, I will be posting a series of interviews from breeders and exhibitors of the Russian Toy from around the globe.  Our first interview is with Inna Larionova of Grande Misterio (Latvia).  Inna has imported several RT’s to the UK and their new owners have successfully campaigned them in AV IBR classes; Inna is the breeder of GM Ula La at Manatek Top RT in the UK 2018 and also the Our Dogs / Arden Grange Top Breeder for the Russian Toy 2018 and 2019.

Q1.         How long have you been in the breed? : I have been engaged in the Russian Toy breed for 23 years.

Q2.         How did you choose your Kennel name? : I love Spain very much and very often go there. Therefore, in the name of the kennel I wanted to use something Spanish. GRANDE MISTERIO translated from Spanish means Great Magic.          

Q3.         From whom did you purchase your first Russian Toy from and name of dog? : I bought my first dog 23 years ago in Russia. She was undocumented and my interest in the breed began with her. Then I purposefully searched for a puppy with documents for exhibitions and breeding and bought a dog in the nursery SHER- Zuzia Sher. The first litter in Latvia of Russian toy was from this dog.    

Q4.         What is your proudest moment in the show ring? : There are a lot of moments. Probably the most memorable is the 1st place Best In Show Group 9 in Latvia.                

Q5.         How many Champions have you bred? : There are a lot of Champions in my kennel among my dogs and dogs living with other owners. I really like exhibitions and the dogs of my kennel have a minimum Championship of five countries and more.

Q6.         If you had to choose three Russian Toys from your kennel that have contributed to your success as an exhibitor and breeder who would they be? :  1. Britney Spears My Angel. She is now 12 years old. A wonderful and beautiful smooth haired bitch.  She has many great dogs in her pedigree including many Champions. A great producer herself and many kennels have built their breeding on these bloodlines. 2. Grande Misterio Einshtein.  My love and my pride. There are already four generations of my dogs in his pedigree. Another great producer and successful in the show ring being a Champion of several countries. He is a dog with whom you go into the ring and really enjoy the show. 3. Grande Misterio Chloe Amour now 9.5 years. Smooth haired, brown and tan. A daughter of Britney Spears and a producer of Champions.  

Q7.         Which Russian Toy from the past really inspired you? : Two dogs that I admired were

Djaz-Band Zhelezny Kantsler and Sher Oriel Potseluychik.

 Interviews coming your way in future editions: Alexandra Rogovich (Iz Beloi Rusi), Yvonne Sandberg-Åberg (Toy Angels) & Anya Dugina (Blueberry Nights).

 The BRS has dropped through the letterbox this week and it shows seven new Russian Toys registered with the Kennel club for the first quarter of 2020.  The number is in line for the same period last year and is made up of two litters and four imports.  The total number now registered with the KC stands at 139.  


A reminder that the online Fun Show being organised by the Russian Toy Club UK closes on Saturday 13th June and judging will take place on Sunday 14th June. The entry has so far been excellent, but I am sure there are still a few more of you that have some wonderful pictures you could put forward.  Rosettes are on offer for 1st – 3rd place and we thank Jacqui Wilson for agreeing to judge for us.

Some online show news: Iveta Holyland’s Las Vegas Ulybki Lilu went BOB in the Top of the Toys online dog show and Cricket 'Ayla at Moyadacha' owned by Karen Leach went BOB in the Our Dogs Online Dog Show. Well done ladies keep the flag flying!

Following on from my last breed notes I am pleased to publish two further interviews from well-respected breeders and exhibitors of the Russian Toy: Anya Dugina of Blueberry Nights (Russia) and Yvonne Sandberg-Åberg of Toy Angels (Sweden).

Thank you to Anya Dugina (Blueberry Nights) for kindly agreeing to answer some questions of her time and experience in the breed. Anya has been immensely helpful to the breed club by providing information and photographs during our quest for recognition in the UK and subsequent projects.

Q1. How long have you been in the breed?
I bought my first Russian Toy a little under twelve years ago. Time seems to have flown by as I now reflect that my very first litter of puppies are no longer puppies, but now nearly 10-year old adult dogs.

Q2. How did you choose your Kennel name?
I particularly like beautiful word combinations and think that ‘Blueberry Nights” just came to me in a flash of inspiration. Although it does not represent anything in particular, it seems to me a combination that sits well together, is quite pleasing to the ear, and also stimulates the imagination.

Q3. From whom did you purchase your first Russian Toy from and name of dog?
My first Russian Toy (Diamanta) came to me from the “Ya Toy” Kennel. Today, Diamanta is a World and European Winner, Veteran World and European Winner and Multi-Champion. Additionally, she is now a mother, and grandmother, to many Champions, including World and European Winners.

Q4. What is your proudest moment in the show ring?
There have been many, and it is very difficult to choose one above all others.  Unquestionably, every win at a World Dog Show, or European Dog Show, is a very special moment. If I was forced to make one selection, I would probably say the Eurasia Dog Show in Moscow last year. At this show 134 Russian Toys were entered, so the competition was considerable. This included, 53 Smooth Russian Toys and 81 Long-Haired Russian Toys. I registered three generations of my own dogs and all three were winners, with BOB going to Blueberry Nights Riviera Maya (2 x WW, JWW, JEuW & C.I.B.), Best Veteran to Diamanta and Best Junior Bitch to Blueberry Nights Gossip Girl (JWW) with twelve entries in her class. These were all particularly proud moments for me in the show ring and very pleasing indeed.

Q5. How many Champions have you bred?
A. In all honesty I have never counted the number of Champion Titles. That said, I can say that I do currently have twelve World/European main titles in my kennel. Considering that I only have a small number of dogs/litters, this does not seem a bad tally - so far!

Q6. If you had to choose three Russian Toys (past or present) that you have really admired who would they be?
It has to be remembered that the Russian Toy breed is still a relatively new breed, not so easy in breeding as it seems. There is no perfect dogs. Therefore, I would say what really commands my admiration in a dog is when I see something that makes it stand out; this will very often be unique combination of things that makes it not just a beautiful dog, but a really special dog. Don't forget that a photograph alone can never reveal this quality and has to be seen first-hand. Of course each special dog as a diamond needs a nice frame, an owner that will show this beauty to the world.

It would be unfair of me to try and pick just three Russian Toys from the many fantastic Russian Toys that everyone can see in the show ring (once the COVID pandemic restrictions are lifted). I would, however, like to mention just three from the past that really inspired me once: Iskusitel iz Chistogo Istoka, Dragotzenniy Venechka & Sher Oriel Potzeluychik

Our second interview is from Yvonne Sandberg-Åberg (Toy Angels). Thank you to Yvonne for sharing her experience in the breed and for being so supportive of the breed in the UK and assisting the Club on information and statistics during its quest for breed recognition.

Q1. How long have you been in the breed?
I first got to know the breed 2007 - purchased my first Russkiy Toy 2009 and bred my first litter 2014
Q2. How did you choose your Kennel name?
My ambition was to breed small breeds if at all - Russian Toy was first on the list as I have studied the breed since 2007 and fallen in love - so Toy and then they are Angels are they not Toy Angels.
Q3. From whom did you purchase your first Russian Toy from and name of dog?
Kennel Sarioly - Poema Shokoladnaja Iz Sarioly as a pet initially - my first with hopes to become my foundation bitch I purchased from Kennel Semicvetik - Semicvetik Sheridan.
Q4. What is your proudest moment in the show ring?
There is really not a single moment - there is many such moments from diff. shows also showing progeny and breeders groups, but I felt proud when my Toy Angels C Take That achieved as the first Russkiy Toy in Nordic countries the title International Champion.
Q5. How many Champions have you bred?
So far 11 Champions and then the pandemic started. In Sweden the dog must be 2 years old to be given a Champion title.
Q6. If you had to choose three Russian Toys (past or present) that you have really admired who would they be?
SHER ZHASMIN CHERNAYA KAPELKA (LH ) - I love her expression , construction and not least her temperament - such a pretty sweetheart with also a dark and clean tan rarely seen today ( she is black and tan ) and her daughter SEMICVETIK LETYASCHAYA PO VOLNAM (LH) her mother’s daughter only in red with black.
Grand Tandem Sorvi Golova in smooths - it is hard to breed a small dog as he is with such a excellent construction and what a show man he is.

Exciting news for all enthusiasts of the Russian Toy, Our Dogs will be running a breed feature on 26th June.  If you wish to advertise within the feature please contact Denise Hurst at the earliest opportunity

Our Dogs Breed Notes - May 2020

Some recent show announcements: SKC have managed to secure dates with the Royal Highland Showground which has enabled them re-schedule the May 2020 Championship Show. Toys will be on Friday, 27th November 2020. Windsor which was due to take place 2nd – 5th July, have announced that due to the current COVID-19 situation this year’s show has been cancelled. We all await news from those shows still scheduled for later in the year, many of which have currently suspended entries.

 Karen Leach with her boy Rush (Kinas Budda Edison at Moyadach (Imp)) took part in the Our Dogs virtual dog show and was delighted to be in the final shortlist from 237 dogs. Please let me know if your RT has taken part in any of the online dogs shows currently taking place.

 For those that have puppies due or perhaps in the nest and nearing the time when normally they would be going to new homes please do check out all the up-to-date government information via the Kennel Club website. The information outlines the correct procedures to follow with socialising, vaccinations, micro chipping, prospective owners and so on. There is also a link to the Canine and Feline Sector Group (CFSG) which also gives valuable guidance and advice to breeders during this testing time.

 A reminder that membership fees are now due for the Russian Toy Club UK and this can be done via the breed club website or alternatively contact our Secretary Julie Collins email: who will be happy to help with membership forms and other club information.

 With the lockdown extended until early May, when it will be reviewed once more, these uncertain times are very worrying for us all. Please do heed the Governments request by staying at home and only going out when necessary as per the guidelines.  Take care of yourselves and stay safe.


It has now been just over two years since the Russian Toy entered the show scene in the UK.  The interim breed standard was approved in 2018 which enabled us to join others on the Import Register at shows from 1st April 2018.   In our first year from WELKS to LKA the Russian Toy clocked up a total of 179 entries across general championship shows. In 2019 with a full year under our belt this increased to 309 entries. The average number of dogs per show went from 7.36 in 2018 to 11.16 in 2019, and average entry from 8.13 to 11.88.  It is interesting to see which shows attracted the higher entry, and it certainly made a difference when the Groups were classified separately, a trend relevant to all Import Groups.  2020 started extremely well with Boston, Manchester and Crufts showing an increase on the total entry compared to the same period in 2019.

 A point of concern has been raised regarding merle dogs being advertised as Russian Toys by the occasional overseas breeder. Merle is not an accepted colour within the breed standard and as such would not be accepted for registration at the Kennel Club.  It is also a disqualifying fault under FCI, under the terms of ‘any colour not specified within the standard’. The National Breed Club of Russia are currently undertaking steps to address this issue and the Russian Toy Club UK have assisted with information on the stance of both the breed club and the Kennel Club in the UK.

 To mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day on Friday 8 May, there will be a UK-wide rendition of Dame Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll Meet Again’ at 9pm.  I am sure I speak for many in that we certainly cannot wait to ‘meet again’ at a dog show and once again enjoy our hobby.  So please open those windows and doors, join in and sing your heart out.

Our Dogs Breed Notes - April 2020

Crufts 2020 went ahead despite the threat of the Coronavirus, with all the necessary precautions in place by the Kennel Club and NEC.  This year I attended all four days and looking around the breed rings and speaking to exhibitors it doesn’t seem that the absentee rate was any higher than usual. However, the footfall of the general public was markedly lighter over all four days, with Saturday seeming to be the busiest day overall.  The Russian Toys were being shown on the Thursday, and what a long day it was for the Import breeds with our judging starting around 5pm.  Whilst we were being judged the Toy Group Best of Breeds were being called for the Group, so it was all a bit of a rush for our BOB Alexandra Rogovich with RUS/LT/LV/BLR/POL Ch Natalie Toys Milan to gather their thoughts and make their way over to the Arena.  Milan travelled over from Belarus and is owned by Alexandra Rogovich and Tatyana Korshunova. Best Bitch went to CH/HR/NO Ch Magic Touch of Yorkside EW19 owned by Andrea Haider from Austria.  Best Puppy was awarded to Sharlene Harrison’s Elema Iz Beloi Rusi at Russiandream (Imp BLR) who is a daughter of Milan. Res BD went to Sharlene’s Russiandream Bennieorion with Res BB going to Iveta Holyland’s RUS/BLR Ch Primadonna Iz Beloi Rusi (Imp BLR) also a Milan daughter.  Congratulations to everyone on your wins and placings, memories were made, and dreams achieved.


Huge thanks must go to all those who helped us on the Discover Dogs stand over the four days.  Your dogs are a great credit to you and the breed.  The stand looked amazing and I feel it really showed how the breed has developed, as well as showing casing the characteristics and versatility of this wonderfully breed.


One really doesn’t know where to start with this week’s breed notes.  Three weeks ago, most of us were attending Crufts at the NEC, and yes it was quieter than previous years due to the Coronavirus just starting to affect the UK. Now it is a very different picture as we see the Country in virtual lockdown as Covid-19 takes a real hold.  For the world of dogs the news that all dog shows and other related events were to be cancelled until at least the end of June, did not come as a complete surprise but the far reaching implications have had a dramatic effect on us all.  AGM’s also come under this banner and so at this time we cannot yet fix a date for the Russian Toy Club UK AGM. To try and lift everyone’s spirits several groups on Facebook have started to organise virtual dog shows, this is a such great idea and am sure will be immensely popular.  So, if you have entered any of these virtual shows with your Russian Toy do let me know of any wins and maybe take this opportunity to get the camera out and start on those photo's for the next RT Calendar! Please do take care of yourselves, look out for elderly neighbours and those that maybe at risk and above all else stay safe.

Our Dogs Breed Notes - March 2020

The final Breed Record Supplement of 2019 has arrived, and it was good to see that registrations for the Russian Toy remains consistent. From October to December two litters and 10 imports were registered with the Kennel Club, a total of 16 dogs.  This brings our total of registrations from July 2017 to December 2019 to 132.  The 132 is made up of 77 Imports and 55 puppies from 20 litters, with a relatively even split between Smooth and Long haired.

 Karen Leach had a good day at Darlington & District Open Show on 1st February, where Ayla at Moyadacha (Imp) went Best Import under Judge Julie Williams (Trebettyn). Keep up the good work Karen.  I haven’t any other Open show news to report, which no doubt is due in part to storm Ciara that battered the UK at the weekend.

 Crufts entry details have been released and we are delighted to see a slight increase on last year for the Import Toy classes.  Our judge Mrs R Sporre-Willes (Sweden) has attracted an entry of 36 dogs making 39 entries and whilst the main entry will be from dogs residing in the UK we do have a few overseas exhibitors making the journey over.  The Import classes are being judged in Hall 5, Ring 36. Just a heads up for those that have not yet purchased your car parking ticket, parking on the day I believe is £16, but reduced rate car parking for £12 can be purchased via the NEC website, this needs to be purchased in advance so do check the website for full details.


Well Storm Dennis certainly made its mark with those shows that battled on subsequently affected by absentees.  The gang and I stayed safe indoors rather than risk not being able to return home as we had several trees down in the area and local roads closed due to the Red flood alert.   Maidenhead & DCS Open show on Saturday 15th February was certainly a good day for the Russian Toy in the AV IBR classes.  Nikki Hunters new puppy Vzglyad Drakona Iz Grada Belykh Berez at Salatini (Storm) was 1st Puppy, Best Puppy & RBOB under Judge Mrs K Stirk & then TPG4 under Judge Caroline Gurtner.  Nikki also took Best Import with Grande Misterio Fairytale of Salatini.  Storm’s brother Vernyi Strahz Iz Grada Belykh Berez (Indy) owned by Anne Collins was 1st in Junior. Karen Vidler has also had some lovely wins recently. At Matlock & DCS on the 16th February her  Dosia Z Garlicy Duchownej at Apailana went Best Import under  Judge Paul Conway and at Newark & DCS on 22nd February repeated her success by going Best Import under Judge  Rachel Wray. Well done ladies. It was a long but enjoyable day at Cheltenham & DCS on Sunday 23rd February.   Due to illness we had a change of judge and so the honour fell to George Farmer who found his Best Import Toy in Fiesta Show Russian Pride (Imp) and Best Puppy in Manatek Booti Licious.  


With Crufts now only a week away no doubt the nerves are kicking in, especially for those that are attending for the first time. The best piece of advice I can give is wear comfortable shoes! Good luck to everyone and above all else, have fun and enjoy. Don’t forget to visit us at Discover dogs!


Our Dogs Breed Notes - Feb 2020

The first two championship shows of 2020 have now taken place with the final chance to qualify for Crufts 2020. First, we had Boston which drew a good entry of 10 dogs making 16 entries for the AV IBR Toy classes under judge Dick Morrison. Best Import Toy went to Fiesta Show Russian Pride (Imp) owned by myself and Iveta Holyland with Best Puppy going to my Manatek Beck N'Call who was also Res BD. Best Bitch went to Grande Misterio Beatrix My Soul Manatek (Imp) and Res BB to Karen Vidlers Dosia Z Garlicy Duchownej at Apailana (Imp). Best Special Beginner went to Nikki Collins with Ollarena Implusive Hotshot.  A huge well done to Boston for donating all monies received from spectator dogs plus other donations from those attending the show to the Australian Wildfire crisis. Boston matched the amount raised bringing the total to £4217,40, this was then increased to round up the figure to £5000. I understand the money will be sent to Zoos Victoria Emergency Wildlife Fund.  Well done to everyone for supporting this very worthy cause.  

 The following week and the turn of Manchester, our judge for the AV IBR Toy was Marion Sargent.  This show attracted an excellent entry of 22 dogs making 29 entries, doubling last year’s entry.  A repeat of Boston for Fiesta Show Russian Pride (Imp) winning Best Dog & Best Import and Grande Misterio Beatrix My Soul at Manatek (Imp) Best Bitch and BOS.  Best Puppy went to Angela Codling’s Kinas Budda Elbrus, this was Boris’s last Puppy class so an extra special win for Angela and Boris.  

For Manchester we were in the Prestwood Hall which on arrival was lovely and warm and the dogs were very comfortable. Unfortunately, as the judging of Terriers neared the end the heating switched off and with people leaving the hall heading for home the doors were constantly open, so by the time the AVNSC & Import Toys were in the ring it was extremely cold and unpleasant. After judging we made a hasty retreat to the main hall to warm up ready for the group. Winter shows are never easy in so many ways and a huge well done must go to the car parking attendants who battled admirably getting everyone parked as efficiently as possible in testing conditions and then getting everyone out again safely at the end of the day.  

 A reminder from Jane Paradise that postal entries close 3rd February and online on the 9th February for the Three Counties Pekingese & Cavalier Society (open to all toy breeds) show on 29th February to be held at Peopleton Village Hall, Worchestershire . They have four classes scheduled for AV IBR Toy and a trophy to keep for Best Import.  


 Open show news this week:  Karen Leach had a great day at The Northern Dog Club show on 25th January by winning 1st Open and Best Import Toy with Ayla at Moyadacha (Imp) and 2nd Open and Best Puppy Import Toy with Kinas Budda Edison at Moyadach (Imp), handled by Oliver Smith.  Judge for the Toys was Carl Sparrow (Casarow).  At Litchfield Canine Society Premier Open show also on the 25th January, Karen Vidler with  Indiana Jones Mon Ami at Apailana (Imp) aka Ritchie,  were 1st in Open and also went  Best Import Toy under Judge  Robert Hitchcock (Bobitch).

 Can you believe we are already in February and so the countdown to Crufts really does begin! There are plenty of Open shows around over the next few weeks so I hope to hear of some good results with your RT’s. Please email me or message through Facebook as soon as you can after the show.  With Crufts in mind the Breed Club will as usual be manning the Breed booth in the Discover Dogs area over the four days and we would love for as many of you as possible to visit and say Hi.  

 Just a head’s up that the Breed Club are currently looking into holding an Eye Testing session in the spring.  The plan is to hold it in the Northampton area which should then be quite central for the majority of RT owners and easily accessible.  Do keep an eye out on the Breed club Facebook page and in these breed notes for more info.  

 South Eastern Counties Toy Dog Society Show on the 18th April has scheduled three AV IBR Toy Classes so we hope you will support the show.  Postal entries close 21st March, Online 29th March.  Patella Grading will also be available at the show carried out by Diana Stark BVMS, MRCVS. Monies raised will be donated to charity – more details on the Show website and Facebook page.  

Our Dogs Breed Notes - Jan 2020


Happy New Year to you all.

 Iveta Holyland sent news of a very successful trip to the Kerst Christmas Winners Show in Holland on the weekend of 21st and 22nd December. The judge for both varieties Mr Vytautas Baranauskas (LT). Fiesta Show Russian Pride (Imp) owned jointly with myself won the double CAC, the CACIB, Christmas Winner 19 and BOS. In the bitch classes Primadonna iz Beloi Rusi owned by Iveta won the double CAC, the CACIB Christmas Winner 19 and BOB.  In the Smooth varoetu Iveta’s Yaroslavskiy Dar Terpkoe Vino was awarded the double CAC, the CACIB, Christmas Winner 19  and BOB.  

 Birmingham Toy Dog Society held their Open show on the 21st December, judge for the AV Import Toy classes Andrew Stewart (Ingerdorm).  From Puppy my Manatek Booti Licious took BP & RBOB and from Open Grande Misterio Beatrix My Soul at Manatek took Best Import. This well-run show had its usual friendly atmosphere and Christmas theme.  

 We ventured to Wealdstone & Northholt DCS on the 27th December. Wealdstone provided separate group Import classes which were well supported. Our judge for the Import Toy classes Ms V Osborne found her Best Toy Import in Fiesta Show Russian Pride (Imp) and Best Puppy in Manatek Booti Licious. Wealdstone also scheduled an AV Import Stakes class and Nikki Hunter and Ann Collins Grande Misterio Fairytale at Salatini placed 2nd under judge Chris Quantrill (Seejaycue).

 A reminder that postal entries close for Crufts on 6th January and online entries the 20th January 2020.  


The New Year has started with a Bang!

 Our congratulations our sent to Jenny Casey and Russiandream Cody Fleming for Shamal who made breed history at Taunton & DCA (2 day show) 4th & 5th January. Not only were they BIBR and BPBIR under Geoffrey Curr but then went on to Toy PG1 under Michaela Hills and Res BPIS under Jane Eyeinton.  Whilst the Russian Toy has had a few group placings at Open shows this is the first Puppy Group win and consequent Res BPIS.  This is just great new, well done Jenny and Cody.

 The second piece of great news for the Import Breeds is that the KC Show Regulation Booklet for 2020 is now out and our prayers have been answered by a change to regulation  F(A) 7.   It is now a requirement that all Championship and Open shows must schedule at least one Any Variety Imported Breed Register Class per Group.  All Limited Shows must schedule at least one Any Variety Imported Breed Register Class. Thank you to all that supported this change and to the Kennel Club.

 Good luck to everyone at Boston & DCS this weekend.  We have a good entry of 10 dogs making 16 entries for Judge Dick Morrison.  We are scheduled fourth in the ring, BIS ring C.

Amanda Orchard 

Fun Day 2018

How to register your Russian Toy with the KC

We thought it would be a good idea to offer some guidelines on how to prepare the documentation ready to register your Russian Toy at the Kennel Club as of 1st July.  If you have any queries please do ask and I will be happy to help.

  • 1.It is most important that you check your dog’s Export Pedigree and that it contains the correct information showing you as the owner and at a UK address.
  • Dependant on country of origin you will require:
  • A certified Export pedigree issued by the overseas Kennel Club, showing you the person importing the dog as the registered owner (this is what the majority of you will have).
  • If the document does not show the registered owner, a registration certificate issued by the overseas Kennel Club is also required.
  • If the overseas Kennel Club does not issue an Export pedigree (America, Canada, Republic of Ireland, Germany, Guernsey, Jersey), a certified pedigree is required.
  • If your dog is registered in Germany, Denmark, Norway or the Netherlands – please send a certified pedigree as well as the Export document.
  • Dogs from Germany - require the Annerkennung Fur Das Ausland (Export Document issued by the VDH) and a copy of the pedigree issued by the breed club.
  • 2.Either take a photo copy of the relevant Export Pedigree/Registration Certificate or scan to your computer. Good quality images via mobile phone saved to the computer can also be used. Ensure it is clear and easy to read.  Blurred or ineligible copies will be rejected and delay the registration process.
  • 3.Pet Passport Number:  this can be found on the front cover and each page of the passport. Look for letters and a number eg: LV002776 – this will be asked for if applying online.
  • 4.Complete the Application for the Registration of an Imported Dog using Form 4 (which you can download from the KC website) and send to the KC by post with a copy of the Export Pedigree (or other) and appropriate fee.
  • 6.Ensure all the relevant information is completed, including copy of Export Pedigree and review the check list. You should be able to get all the information required from the Export Pedigree & passport. You will be asked to download the relevant file with a copy of the Export Pedigree.
  • 7.The standard fee is £30 per dog.  You may choose to upgrade to the five generation pedigree option and/or Petlog membership but this will cost you extra.
  • 8.Please inform Julie Collins – RTBCUK Secretary when you have sent in your application. It is important that the club is aware of numbers registered so we can progress with the Breed via the Kennel Club.
  • 9.For those with puppies born in the UK: It is the responsibility of the Breeder of said puppies to register them with the KC.  Before said puppies can be registered with the KC the parents must first be registered. Once the breeder has the Kennel Club registration documentation for the parents they can then go ahead and register said puppies, either by post using Form 1 (litter registration) or via a MYKC account.
  • 10.You may wish to consider signing up to MYKC - A free online service for owners of dogs & puppies and to give a wealth of advice on responsible breeding and buying a puppy. MyKC is a FREE service from the Kennel Club offering a lifetime of support to puppy seekers, owners and breeders. MyKC is for all dog enthusiasts whether you are looking for your perfect canine pal, own a dog or breed litters of puppies

OVERSEAS OWNERS/EXHIBITORS:  To exhibit in the UK you will need to apply for an Authority to compete number.  This can be done via the Kennel Club website         

Please do note that you cannot exhibit in the UK until the breed standard has been approved in the UK and published in the KC Journal and then the Russian Toy is only eligible for Imported Breed Register Classes.  The system in the UK is very different to what you would be used to under FCI, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask. 

Headline News to Bark on about

The Russian Toy celebrations continue.... 

We are overjoyed to have an excellent article in the Sunday Telegraph which can be viewed here

The Daily Mail have also been spreading the word, you can read their article here 

A huge thank you to all those involved, we are beaming from ear to ear!

The Russian Toys are on Parade at Crufts!

We are extremely proud to announce that a Parade of Russian Toys will take place at Crufts 2017 - it will be in the YKC Ring, Hall 3 at 11.10am (next to the Kennel Club stand), share the news and do come along and cheer us on if you are at Crufts on Friday, 10th March. Thank you to those that are bringing RT's along to fly the flag, you should of now received your Special entrance/exit passes for you and your RT. A little celebration to toast the RT and its successful application onto the Import Register will be held at 2.30pm in Hall 5 by the benching area between rings 28 & 30, so do join us, everyone most welcome.


The Kennel Club have approved the application for the Russian Toy and will join the Imported Breed Register on the 1st July 2017.

The committee would like to thank everyone for their help in putting the application together, it was no mean feat!!

Watch this space for updates as they come in regarding registration of your FCI imported Russian Toys!

Breed Seminar

The Breed Club is thrilled to announce the Russian Toy's very first Breed Seminar!

Sunday 4th June, Chieveley Village Hall, Chieveley, West Berkshire, RG20 8TE

Please contact Amada Orchard, Chairman or Julie Collins, Secretary for a booking form, details on the "Contact Us" page


Following our AGM we are super delighted to announce the application for the Russian Toys acceptance onto the import breed register has been received by the KC (all 102 pages!!) and is on the agenda for their September meeting. We will of course let you know more when we do.